Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Birth of a Legend

You know what I said to myself the other day? I said, "how can I unilaterally disqualify myself from ever holding public office, while simultaneously risking job loss, defamation lawsuits, and identity theft? I know, I'll start a blog!" Hence, Peter Unzipped was born.

Okay, that's not really true. The genesis of this blog is actually much more mundane: some hot chicks told me it would be a good idea.

Anyway, the blog is still in construction stage so there isn't much to look at currently. Hopefully, it will soon be filled with all types of stuff such as interesting stories, cool links, advice, etc. I take requests so if there is a topic in particular you want covered let me know by either posting a comment or sending an e-mail to the official Peter Unzipped e-mail account at



m said...

Defecation lawsuits?? What exactly are you doing over there, Peter??

Peter said...

Defamation, Mindy, defamation...