I'll start off the discussion by sharing some examples of the intersections of Seinfeld and my life. If you are having problems recalling the episode, fortunately someone took the time to catalog all of the episodes on Wikipedia, which you can access by going here.

Part I - The Reverse Peephole
One of the plot lines in this episode involves George's overstuffed wallet that is so full of junk that it explodes at the end of the show. Every time I see this episode it reminds me of my dad, who has as far as I know the biggest wallet known to mankind. At times it appears to be violating some law of physics, like it is the Tardis of wallets or something. I really don't know what he keeps in there but it is huge. How huge, you ask? Let's just say that all of my dad's pants and shorts have a stretch-mark outline of the wallet in the back pocket.
Part II - The Fusilli Jerry

This is the episode where Kramer mistakenly gets license plates that read "Assman." At work I get to scan over a ton of client names, and last week I ran into a client whose last name was actually Assman. It turns out that there are actually a number of clients who share this name. I can't get into details for privacy reasons, but I found this pretty amazing.
Was the clients' first name Jack?
Sorry, too easy.
I think you need to take some more days off work to blog if this is all you're gonna do when you're working. Jeez!!
Mindy - thank you for your support.
It's been a long week. Besides, some of us have other things to do at work besides blogging like homework.
You people are worthless. Apparently my Doctor Who references are wasted on you.
This show was totally unique. Nothing has been done like it before, or since. While it was about nothing, it was really about everything--but the little things that no one thinks about, like giving your bank code to your fiancé. I also liked how this show was the last of the "non-fashion" shows. You can also download Seinfeld tv show from here for free.
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