Of course, the big event this week was the return of Erica. To choose the two individual dates, the girls had to go into a room and say which other girl in the household was the least sincere. In a not-so-shocking moment, all of the girls (except Lisa) picked Lisa (if you haven't noticed Lisa is not Ms. Popularity among the bachelorettes). Anyway, Erica watched the girls talk and got to decide who got the two individual dates. "I'm back, bitches," announces Erica as she reintroduces herself to the gang (who does she think she is, Mindy?).
Blah, blah, blah, Erica picks Sadie and Jennifer for the individual dates. Frankly, this is the first good choice Erica has made so far as these are two of my favorite three or four ladies. Anyway, Sadie and Lorenzo go on the first date and fly in a plane over Italy. From a viewing perspective it was kind of boring until Sadie decided to tell Lorenzo that he wanted to kiss her. Apparently "saving yourself for marriage" does not preclude one from sucking on someone's face. But hey, she got the rose.
Next up was the group date, which of course is the most entertaining (i.e. tragic) portion of the show. The Prince decided to throw a toga party, but apparently ABC was having budget problems so they had to get the togas from Ragstock or something. The date starts with a series of chariot races where the winner gets to make a wish. Anyway, Jeanette wins two races and then wins the final race against Lorenzo (gee, I wonder if the producers had anything to do with that?). After she wins, the show cuts to Lorenzo talking about how this showed that Jeannette was tough or competitive or something. At that point, about 5 million viewers must have been thinking "hey dipshit, she wasn't driving the fucking chariot." Lorenzo redeems himself somewhat later, after Jeannette makes her wish - which was the Lorenzo "enjoy the moment" - by basically saying that was the stupidest thing he has ever heard. Classic.

Well, it was time for the rose ceremony. Sadie and Jennifer had already gotten a rose, and it was time to cut loose two of the ladies. Lisa got one, and in a sort-of surprising move Agnese got the other one. I was expecting her to get cut at some point due to the whole not speaking English thing, but I guess hotness is pretty easy to translate.
Next week, we're off to meet the parents. I hear one of them threatens Lorenzo with a gun!
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