8. Maggie Dee - I need to send an e-mail to Mindy to see what kind of beer Maggie Dee likes because she is going to need a sympathy gift when she comes in last place by a mile. I will refrain from mentioning the fact that this team was clearly hand-picked. Flava Flav as a first rounder is basically inexcusable, and unless Matthew McConaughey gets Heather Locklear pregnant during a three-way with Hulk Hogan, this team is done.
7. Super Fan - I think the big question here is "who is Super Fan?", mainly because - led by a fading Britney Spears and only a few steady celebrities - this team has pretty much no chance of winning. Based solely on his or her draft picks and the Pink Floyd/Max Headroom references, my guess is this is some guy named James who lives in Minneapolis, maybe around 25 years old or so, probably another Mac grad.
6. Sarah - I think Sarah forgot to set up her draft pool or something. Other than Nicole Richie and Angelina Jolie, this team is definitely not ready for prime time. Amanda Peet in the fifth round? What, is she going to get pregnant again? Will Ferrell, Heather Mills, and Mario "I cheated on the Dorito's girl" Lopez are all sleepers but will probably remain so. Unless Jaime Pressly gets knocked up or Eddie Murphy impregnates another Spice Girl, this team is going nowhere fast.
5. Mindy - The dark horse of the league, somehow Mindy ended up with both Katie Holmes AND Anna Nicole Smith, both of whom could score huge if things go right, moving Mindy up in the rankings. Although she has safe picks Beyonce, Bobby Brown, and Eva Longoria, other than that her picks are a little questionable. Aaron Carter was a waste of a fourth round pick, and even in the tenth Shanna Moakler was clearly a sympathy pick. Her scuffle with Paris was soooo two weeks ago.
4. 'Randa - A solid team with Tom Cruise and K-Fed out in front, and a host of solid bench players including Scarlett Johansson, Christina Aguilera, and Whitney Houston. I'm cool on Vince Vaughn and Nick Carter, but Kid Rock could pay off big if he manages to get Pamela Anderson pregnant - although he probably could have been picked up even lower.
3. Mary Jo - Coming out of nowhere, MJ is already the talk of the league. With the first pick, Mary Jo took Paris Hilton who is likely to be the points champion. There is no dead weight on this team: Jennifer Aniston was a great pick-up at #16, followed by Jennifer Lopez, Sienna Miller, David Beckham, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, Joe Simpson, Kate Hudson, and Keira Knightley. With an excellent combination of superstars and solid veterans this team doesn't need any flukes to content for the crown.

1. Peter - Who the hell do you think I was going to predict as the winner?
5th? Have you LOST YOUR MIND?
Oh, and by the way: there is a lot going on with Eva Longoria these days seeing as how she whored herself out to Mario Lopez and cheated on her man, Tony Parker. Plus, there are rumors flying about that Tony is going to ask her to marry him. Which is obviously a bad move for him...but I'm hoping he does it anyway!!
You better pray that Tony loses his mind in the next three weeks.
So is this what people act like when they are about to lose to someone whose entire knowledge of celebrity gossip comes from having E! on while folding laundry and doing homework on a Thursday night?
Oh, Mindy, did you also just hear that Lindsay Lohan and Keira Knightly are going to be playing lesbian lovers in an upcoming movie? What is that, like 15 points for Mary Jo and I?
You only get the big points if they actually come out as lesbian lovers. Which, unfortunately for YOU, is highly unlikely to happen.
You may notice that I am currently in the lead, thanks in part to Aaron Carter. Eat THAT, Bi-otch!
Ah yes, Mindy, you did have a good first day. We'll see how long that continues. You'd better hope that this Anna Nicole business keeps dragging out. Aaron Carter still sucks, although I didn't realize he dated Paris Hilton. That might give him some ammo. Katie Holmes is the one that makes me nervous...
BTW are you planning the Fafa-party or do I have to do that as well?
I suppose your pretty full of yourself right now. Too bad you didn't accept my bet. I guess your cowardice might end up costing your world famous sisters a free dinner.
My sisters don't deserve a free dinner for my unmatched Fafarazzi skills.
Oh wait, Aaron Carter didn't date Paris after all. Minus two points for you Mindy!
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