Men - the end of your tie should fall in the center of your belt buckle. If you notice that your old ties no longer reach your belt, here's a hint for you: extra long ties are not made for extra long people. Think about it.
Short sleeve dress shirt is an oxymoron.
Unless you are caught outside in the sun for a long time, do NOT flip your collar up. The upturned collar looked stupid in the 80's and it still looks dumb today. Even Pharrell Williams cannot pull this shit off.
To paraphrase Carson Kressley, pointed shoes are for elves, witches, and whores. I would also like to add genies to that list. Now, I don't mean any old pointed shoe, you now the shoes I am talking about. These shoes just look ridiculous.

P.S. Oh yeah, I forgot about the dress scarf. Unless the look you are going for is "prissy," the dress scarf is not a good idea. Except maybe if it's the ONLY thing you're wearing.
Pete, do you think of a lot of ways to "frame the best part of the female anatomy"?
Also, someone was a busy little blogger today! Good work!
Why yes, Mindy, I do. We can go over them sometime.
The dress scarf - absolutely.
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