Anyway, the plan is slowly coming together. I've got a quart of a color called Montgomery White, which is not really a white or even really an off-white so I don't know how it got its name. It's a little hard to describe (somewhere between cream and tan?), so I'll upload a scan of the swatch later. I also got a sample container of Audubon Russet for my bathroom, which is currently a sky blue which looks nice but doesn't really match my (non-adjacent) bedroom. Anyway, I hope to get some of this paint slapped on this week so I'll let you know what it looks like once it's up.
Anyway my redecorating plans have changed somewhat. Besides moving some of the furniture around, the plan now is to get a dining room table and chairs and, to make up for the lost space, replace my TV stand** and tube TV with a wall mounted flat screen and a low book shelf. One other change that has to happen soon is my bed spread and duvet, which are light and dark blue respectfully and don't match my bedroom walls either. Plus, my cover sheet got caught on something in the washing machine and now has a rip down the center about a foot and a half long.

*There is a similar story involving the paint in my bedroom, which I'll tell you another time
**By TV stand I mean an old desk. However, I was planning on replacing it with an actually TV stand but not any more.
You have another friend named Mindy?! Frankly, I feel betrayed.
Yes, she's actually the OM (original Mindy). But don't worry, I like the new school Mindy as well. You guys have a lot in common, it's a bit creepy actually. Also, you are both in the running for my Favorite Couple of the Year Award.
And by favorite couple, I mean with your respective boyfriend/husband. Not together. Although that would be hot. I'm just saying.
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