Speaking of fedoras, I give a cautious thumbs up to cute women wearing fedoras. This is one of those fashion statements that can go horribly awry pretty easily so caution must be exercised. There should probably be some kind of fedora licensing agency. First off, you must believe that you actually look cool wearing a fedora. If you feel really uncomfortable people will pick that up, and it will ruin the outfit. You may need to wear your fedora around the house for several weeks until it starts to feel natural (unfortunately, the fedora trend will probably be over been then). I would also recommend having several of your friends vet the look before you wear it in public. If you are a guy, wearing a fedora will make you look like a prick so just don't go there.
One thing I was reminded of at the Mall was how bad lip rings look. Normally, I'm fine with most body piercing, tattoos, etc. but lip rings just look awful. I personally find them painful to look at, like you got some kind of fish hook stuck on your face.
Another disturbing trend I found was that men's athletic clothes have somehow gotten worse. Unless you want a plain gray shirt, pretty much the only thing you can buy nowadays that is made out of cotton is socks. I am not sure why major athletic companies have declared war on cotton clothing,** but my guess is that is has more to do with the profit margins on cotton clothing rather than a desire to keep me free of sweat. Besides being expensive and usually ridiculous looking, there are two problems with all of these synthetic fabrics used in athletic clothing. Although they do help get rid of sweat nicely, unfortunately they are all too good at retaining smell. I had one tank top a couple years ago that after a while just smelled like ass and there was nothing to do but throw it out. The other problem with a lot of this stuff is that it is tight and stretchy which, unless you have a six-pack and no body hair, is not a good look. Also, you may be tempted to run around yelling "We must protect this house!"
Lastly, I also give my seal of approval to Kuhlman's. They apparently have a number of locations in the Twin Cities now - I've been to the ones downtown and in the Galleria, but they also have outlets in Calhoun Square and the Albertville Mall. Although a lot of their clothes can only be described as hipster dofus (ala Kramer), you will find a lot of clothing at Kuhlman's that is unique, fashionable, and reasonably priced. You won't get that "I've seen this all before" feeling, plus they change their stock with relative frequency. The European sizing takes a little getting used to, but the cuts are much leaner than typical American dress shirts, so you won't have that huge swath of fabric to tuck into the back of your pants (which will inevitably turn into a huge poof). Also, most of their dress shirts are french cuffs so you will probably need to pick up some cuff links as well but the silk ones are pretty inexpensive. You can't get your entire wardrobe there, but I would definately add Kuhlman's to your shopping list. Ladies - any opinions on their women's clothing?
*Wearing it as part of a Halloween or other costume is also acceptable, such as a Chippendale's outfit - not that I know anything about that
**Under Armour actually had a display that read "cotton is the enemy"
What is a bolo tie?
It's something like a shoelace with a metal clasp, but worn around the neck. Usually worn with some kind of country music ensemble.
Oh gawd, that sounds awful. I'm with you on that.
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