Back in the real world it's been one thing after another. A case study on Wednesday and a final exam next week, a full plate at work, a doctor's appointment, planning another trip home for Christmas, yadda, yadda. Mostly I've been working on projects, though. My first project is doing my holiday shopping. Not to boast but I am a very good gift giver, especially for Christmas and birthdays. Hmm, maybe I'll have to create a post about gift giving. Fortunately for my friends I'm usually single during the holiday season so they tend to reap the benefits of my largess. This year I started pretty early so I've got a lot done so far, but I am have not had much luck with my parents or grandad. And no Mindy I am not going to tell you what I got you and Otis so you two will just have to wait. Jeez. Oh before I forget Letterbox has their holiday collection out so you should go their and check it out.

ALSO: My doctor wants me to start drinking red wine. If anyone has any good ones let me know. The only red wine I've ever really liked is called Menage à Trois (which is a problem unto itself) by Folie a Deux which is a blend of three wines - Zinfandel, Merlot, and Cabernet Sauvignon. has a "customers have also enjoyed" list so maybe I should check that out.
P.S.: The Bachelor: Rome finished a couple weeks ago, and Jen "won." You didn't miss anything. I was thinking of starting some posts on The Real World: Denver but after watching a half episode I decided it was too painful (plus it's on class night).
Peter, Otis likes toys that squeak. Likes to RIP THEM APART, that is. I'm just sayin'.
I have a fantastic red suggestion:
Three Rings - Australian Shiraz. It is pepper-spicy and full bodied...a very thick and tasty wine. You must open it and let it breath for at least an hour for optimum taste.
So, Dr. appt go well? I figure nothing is too personal with all the "date slamming" that has been happening on Min's blog.
First off Christy, there is no "date slamming" going on. I am simply restating what Mindy has said to me in the past.
As far as the doctor's appointment, except for the low HDL numbers I am expecting to get in the mail everything appears fine (hopefully better than last time - I've been eating my almonds). I got my ears cleaned so I can hear a lot better now. What do you want, a post dedicated to my entire medical history?
I recommend Black Opal Shiraz. It's cheap & tasty.
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