In case you were wondering, the general criteria I used were originality (i.e. if I looked it up on the Google, how few hits did I get?), heteronymity (i.e. if it sounds exactly like another word it got disqualified), understandibility, degree of difficulty, and overall coolness. Plus, bonus points for being a hottie. Stalkertunities scored high in all categories. In fact, right now I'm working on creating some stalkertunities for myself. Hello, Mindy? Yeah, you seemed to have left your accounting book at my place. I'm not sure how it got out of your bag, but it's here. Why don't you pick it up, say, Saturday night...
Honorable mentions go to:
Blognemesis (Mindy) - I don't think it's a true portmanteau, but it's hard not to like any word with the word nemesis in it.
Fablogulous (Katie) - I don't think this was an actual entry, but I accepted it anyway. Received high degree of diffculty points for inserting a word in the middle of another word, and surprisingly almost no Google hits.
Libidon't (Mindy) - Disqualified for not actually being entered, but still dunny and again surprisingly few hits on the Google.
Prumps (Katie) - I don't know if I would have any idea what a "prump" was unless we were in a shoe store, but on the other hand it sounds kind of pornographic. Plus I have something of a shoe fetish.
That's it for now, but never fear true believers, another fablogulous contest is coming soon and I promise it will be awesome. Or jawsome.
Yay! I won!
I'd like to thank my mom and dad for my incredible creativity. I'd like to thank Blogger for always believing in me...or at least not kicking me off for various R-rated material. I'd also like to thank Peter, my blognemesis for bestowing this fablogulous award upon me!
Whatevs, Jason. You're just jealous because I'm so creative and intelligent. It's tough, I know, but you just have to deal with it.
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