Apparently I have a lot of catchup to do, with both Mindy and Clog Blog off to a running start this year. December was kind of a crappy month for me, but I'll get over it. It wasn't so much that anything particularly bad happened, it was just one of those periods where nothing was really going well. Some things went well though. I visited my parents on Thanksgiving and Christmas, which was good since I haven't seen them much in the past year. My brother crashed at my place one night on the way to Montana because his flight went through Denver during snow storm #1.
Right now I am trying to get things back on track. I was happy to learn that
Christy now works out at my gym a couple days a week. I'll have to introduce her to some of the people in Bruce's aerobics class (although I'm guessing she probably already knows enough bitter homosexuals than is necessary). P.S. Christy - Bruce is teaching a spinning class on Fridays and Sundays now.
I am trying to go through all of the CDs from
Jason's music party. Clearly my musical taste is very different from most of the people that Jason hangs out with, and I apparently misjudged the demographics (who knows though, maybe Jason's mom will enjoy the Old Dirty Bastard and Juvenile tracks I threw on my CD). Of course, it's nobody's fault that I don't particularly like emo or folk music. Although I did find the fact that a half dozen people put
Hallelujah on theirs CDs to be a little strange.* Oh well, it's good to get outside you musical comfort zone every once in a while. My real disappointment was that with all this folk music, it appears that
not a single person managed to put
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald on their CD. I mean c'mon people, this is Gordon-fucking-Lightfoot we are talking about here! Sheez. I guess I'll just have to download it from iTunes. So far my favorite CD is Christy's. I've kind of been dancing around my place listening to it while I clean up and get ready for tomorrow.

I've also been asked for some photos of my painting. It's a little hard to capture paint color with a flash camera but I think these photos aren't too off (the colors are somewhat darker than they appear). Here is the orange I painted my bathroom. It's a Dutch Boy paint called
Indian Tile, which I ripped off from my friend Mindy D after I decided that
Audubon Russet wasn't for me. Ladies - please also check out the hot sconce action. I'm not 100% sure about the white towels but the old dark blue ones had to go, as they gave the bathroom a kind of old school Denver Broncos look.

This is a picture of the world map I had mounted and framed. It's over my couch in the living room (or great room, as Mindy calls it). It's in a sort of antique style and I've started to stick map pins in the places I've been (see previous post). The wall color is kind of hard to see, so you'll have to trust me that it looks good. If anyone wants to help me add some map pins let me know. Right now I am trying to convince someone to go with me to Mexico (specifically the Yucatan, but I'm willing to sit on the beach for a couple days if that would seal the deal) and Thailand. Of course, that's just my "short list." My long list of places I want to go is, um... long. Japan, China, Turkey, Egypt, Russia, South Africa, England, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, well basically most of Europe, Brazil, Canada, etc. I wouldn't mind going to other places like Morocco or Libya or Iceland if someone wants to go (hint, hint for those of you with connections).
Apparently since nobody around here cares about literature, I will have to fire off some highly confrontation posts now. I think my next post will be about how I do not find pregnant women to be sexy at all. That's sure to send Mindy and her anarcha-feminist cabal into a conniption fit.
*Don't get me wrong, it's a nice song
Ummm ... I am sure you were just kidding, but: I don't think you are supposed to find pregnant women attractive unless it is your little offspring they are carrying. But, never the less, I must tell you thank you, that during this time while we feel like unattractive fat cows, you remind us that we in fact are.
First off, "not sexy" is far from synonymous with "fat cow." Those are your words not mine.
And unfortunately I'm not kidding. "Hot pregnant women" are apparently quite the commodity these days especially in advertising and I'm sick of hearing about it. Maybe I was forced to read too many blogs about pregnant celebrities last year.
call me a philistine, but i have a hard time buying bill bryson or michael chricton (pre 1985 and post 1990) as literature.
My take on Michael Crichton is that his decline started when he wrote Jurassic Park 2 (a.k.a. The Lost World). Nothing says "I'm a sell out" like writing a novel that is clearly intended to be made into a movie. Still I don't think his work since then has been bad, just not as good.
Also, there is nothing wrong with being a philistine. Although you may want to use simpler words such as "lowbrow" so that Mindy will understand you.
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