Anyway the Official Peter Unzipped Portmanteaux Contest is nearing the finish line. I suppose I should draw up some sort of deadline, so the cutoff for submissions will be Friday at midnight. Prizes will be handed out at some random date and as I said before they will be crappy. Well if you're a cutie you might win dinner and a movie with me, which depending on your point of view might fall anywhere along the crappy-to-awesome spectrum.
Due to the overwhelming success of the Official Peter Unzipped Portmanteaux Contest, I am working on some more contests. I've got a couple in the works, one of which is near completion but I have to work out some of the details. However, I'm sure it will elicit some great responses. Another contest I am thinking of involves people guessing how much fiber I can consume in a 24 hour period. Kind of like where you guess how many marbles are in a jar, but way cooler. The tentative title is "The Official Peter Unzipped How Much Fiber Can Peter Consume in a 24 Hour Period Contest."
I think we should play a game called "How many times can our professor say 'RIGHT?' in one class." Hint: It's definitely over one million.
Thanks Peter for the shout-out on my new blog. Is it alright if we call you "Sweet Pete the Ladies Treat"?
Min - he's a madman alright. I particularly liked his canned accounting jokes and references to particular accounting rules by number alone. He seems like an alright guy though. I think once the basic accounting stuff comes back it won't be so bad.
Katie - you can call me whatever you want as long as you punctuate it correctly.
Jason, I wish you would stop spreading lies. Or partial lies. Whatever.
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