Moving on. The first choice for Most Beautiful Babe was pretty easy: Salma Hayek. In my unofficial lifetime poll, she appears to be the winner of biggest-celebrity-crush among both men and women. So as to not confuse Mindy, I have attempted to copy her basic format.
Salma Hayek
Age: 40
Height: 5'2"
Why I Like Her:
1. The front.
2. The back.
3. Seriously, have you not seen Salma Hayek? Beautiful face, skin, everything. Mmmmmm...
4. Great actress: long before Charlize Theron was getting her Oscar for Monster, Salma Hayek was sportin' the unibrow in Frida.
5. She's a smartypants, and has won awards for acting, directing, and producing.
6. She's also quite the activist, and not in the stupid way that most celebrities are. Most of her work has been around domestic violence and has testified before Congress.
7. Athletic: she has had a lot of action roles in movies and once had aspirations of being an Olympic competitor (my theory: boobs got in the way).
8. Independent minded, e.g. she has doesn't feel the need to get married in order to validate her existence.
1. A couple of her recent movie choices were a little suss, especially that Quentin Tarantino one.
2. Maybe a bit short, but I can overlook that.
BTW I need to give a shout out to Blurtin Burton, whose blog was the first I've seen use (hopefully it won't cause excessive blog loading times). Apparently, Mindy's previous techno-dominance is fading.
Other Contenders So Far:

2. Alyssa Milano - Alyssa has come a long way Who's the Boss. Long hair, short hair, it doesn't seem to matter. Although she loses points for picking a series of poor acting roles, she more than makes up for it due to my impression that she is a very, very dirty girl.
3. Eva Mendes - I honestly don't know that much about Eva Mendes, other than I wouldn't mind having her sit on my face.
I'm sure I'll come up with others. Moving on to the most overrated, I found it much easier to compile this list. Now I wouldn't say that these women are particularly unattractive, I just don't get why anyone would go gaga over them.
Most Overrated "Babes"
Scarlett Johansson - How she keeps getting voted thing such as "Sexiest Woman Alive" I have no idea. Although I'll give her credit for not being rail thin, she doesn't have a great body, has a pretty plain face, and is (gasp) whiter than I am. Seriously if we had children they would be invisible.
Gwyneth Paltow - Sure she's "elegant" but is she hot? I submit that she is not. Next!
Uma Thurman - Too tall for my taste, and if her eyes were any farther apart she would have 360-degree vision. Sure she kicks some butt, but she was also married to Ethan Hawke so those two kind of cancel each other out. Maybe I would be more into Uma if I collected comic books (or "graphic novels" as Mindy insists on calling them) or thought Pulp Fiction was the best movie ever made.
Nicole Kidman - All apologies to Nicole's stunt/butt double Katie, but Nicole just doesn't do it for me.
Other nominees: Cameron Diaz, Charlize Theron, Eva Longoria
I'm sure I'll come up with more insights later. At least Mindy and I can agree on Rachel McAdams and Alyssa Milano.
Also - if you are one of the apparently millions who spend a lot of time photoshopping celebrity's heads to bad pictures of naked women, please stop. You are really creeping me out.
There's a common thread here. You are obviously completely repulsed by blondes. Brunettes on the other hand...yummy. Good man, my friend!
Mindy, you're of course a beautiful blonde. You know I think you're h-o-t.
I was a little worried about giving that impression. No, I like blondes too but most of the blond celebrities I could think of either fell into the overrated category or had too many issues to be eligible for nomination.
Hey Pete, enough with all the actresses. My vote is for Natalie Gulbis.
Dave, you are truly a golf nerd. Unfortunately most of the people around here only understand Hollywood type celebrities.
1. I'm surprised you don't think Scarlett Johansson has a nice body: the girl has got curves, and I thought you liked that. Hm. LIAR.
2. Selma Hayek is beautiful, I agree. She still doesn't make MY top 3 list, though.
3. It's CAMERON Diaz, not CARMEN.
4. Will there be a male list on your blog, or will you only be rating the ladies? Come on - I did both!
Also I agree that Uma Thurman is overrated. She's tall and skinny, but she looks kind of like a bug or something. I think because of the eyes thing you mentioned.
Scarlett Johansson is proof that boobs alone do not a hot chick make. She looks fine, but if she wants to land on my babe list she needs some muscle tone.
I'm not sure about rating men. I mean, I may be confortable with my sexuality and all, but this is not Battlestar Gaylactica here.
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