- Kissing a dog will not give you mononucleosis.
- Dogs don’t sit around with each other and talk about how big so-and-so’s engagement ring is.
- Dogs won’t break up with you because you are “too nice.”
- It doesn’t take dogs very long to figure out who wears the pants in the relationship.
- Dogs don’t constantly hold things you’ve said against you and then wonder why you don’t want to talk more.
- Dogs have much higher self-esteem and you don’t need to remind them that you love them every ten minutes or so.
- Dogs do not send pictures of celebrity crotch shots to your work e-mail.
- Dogs can keep a secret.
- Dogs are comfortable with the fact that you have other dog friends.
- Dogs don’t hog the sheets.
- A dog realizes that the entire world does not revolve around it.
- Dogs are not bothered by your giganto porn stash.
- Dogs are not impressed by “bad boys.”
- If it’s your fourth night together and you are so exhausted that you’ve been having problems keeping your eyes open all during dinner and just want to lie down and snuggle and watch TV, a dog will not go into another room and cry because you don’t want to make out with it.
- Dogs are not embarrassed by your dancing.
- The results of dog hormones are usually quite amusing.
- Dogs are comfortable being naked.
- A dog will not make you sit through Legends of the Fall.
- Dogs will not insist that you take their Tarot readings seriously.
- Dogs do not ask stupid questions like “do I look fat in this?”
- Dogs do not play hard to get.
- Dogs don’t break up with you after two months by not returning your phone calls.
- On average, dogs are much cuter.
- A dog is happy to commit to you even if you don’t drop five grand on a diamond ring.
- Dogs do not take notice of what watch you are wearing.
- Dogs do not talk to you in a baby voice and make up idiotic nicknames for you, particularly those referencing nursery rhymes.
- When your dog makes you feel guilty, you usually deserve it.
- Dogs don’t harass you for information on previous dog relationships and then use it against you no matter what it is.
- A dog will not remind you that it wanted to marry a doctor, and neither will its mother.
- At least you have some idea what your dog is thinking.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Why Dogs Are Better Than Women
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Our Crazy Accounting Prof
Don't mix your thangs.
- Professor, Financial Statement Analysis
Well, we've had two classes of Financial Statements Analysis and so far we have learned a lot about our professor. He seems like a pretty nice guy, but other than that all signs point to crazy. Here are some of the things we have learned so far:
- He stutters, which is fine except that he apparently compensates by shouting and talking really, really fast. He also likes to throw out random GAAP rules, and often even the accountants in class don't know what he's talking about.
- Apparently he is not into athletics very much. When he attempted to draw the Nike swoosh on the white board, he drew a large tilde instead (~).
- I'm not sure if he is upset about some aspect of the Minnesota educational system or just has something against Garrison Keiler, but he frequently mocks the notion that everyone in Minnesota is above average.
- He has boycotted the Academy Awards every since Val Kilmer was snubbed for his role as Doc Holliday in Tombstone. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences would not return our phone calls.
- John Wayne's best serious acting role was in The Searchers.
More Things People Do In an Obvious Attempt to Annoy Me

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
And the Winner Is.... (Drum Roll Please)

In case you were wondering, the general criteria I used were originality (i.e. if I looked it up on the Google, how few hits did I get?), heteronymity (i.e. if it sounds exactly like another word it got disqualified), understandibility, degree of difficulty, and overall coolness. Plus, bonus points for being a hottie. Stalkertunities scored high in all categories. In fact, right now I'm working on creating some stalkertunities for myself. Hello, Mindy? Yeah, you seemed to have left your accounting book at my place. I'm not sure how it got out of your bag, but it's here. Why don't you pick it up, say, Saturday night...
Honorable mentions go to:
Blognemesis (Mindy) - I don't think it's a true portmanteau, but it's hard not to like any word with the word nemesis in it.
Fablogulous (Katie) - I don't think this was an actual entry, but I accepted it anyway. Received high degree of diffculty points for inserting a word in the middle of another word, and surprisingly almost no Google hits.
Libidon't (Mindy) - Disqualified for not actually being entered, but still dunny and again surprisingly few hits on the Google.
Prumps (Katie) - I don't know if I would have any idea what a "prump" was unless we were in a shoe store, but on the other hand it sounds kind of pornographic. Plus I have something of a shoe fetish.
That's it for now, but never fear true believers, another fablogulous contest is coming soon and I promise it will be awesome. Or jawsome.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Now Why Didn't I Think Of That?
Now, I know what you are thinking - that this is some kind of religiously approved prostitution. But you would be wrong. You see, the mutaa actually helps prevent war widows and divorcees from having to turn to prostitution to support themselves. Some people might say this would not be much of an issue if women had more economic opportunities and Iraqi society didn't view women who were no longer virgins as undesirable, but we here at Unzipped don't have time for such nuance. As cleric Mahdi al-Shog says, "it was designed as a humanitarian help for women." Clearly.
According to this inciteful report, a man can have an unlimited number of mutaa wives in addition to a permanent wife,* and a mutaa relationship can last for as little as a few minutes. Plus you can save on paperwork because all of this requries no paperwork, either for marraige or divorce. In case you are interesting in entering a mutaa relationship, the Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has a lot of helpful advice on his Web site.
*A women can only have one husband at a time, either permanent or temporary.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Valentine's Season

I've always had mixed feelings about Valentine's Day. I've always been somewhat of a romantic, although this is tempered by bearing the crushing weight of eternal disappointment so it's kind of a wash. It's fun to dote on somebody, but unfortunately it seems to have been ordained somewhere that I will always be single on Valentine's Day. If memory serves, I think I've been in a relationship on Valentine's once in the past decade, maybe twice.
Shopping for Valentine's presents is pretty easy, but somehow a lot of guys still manage to screw it up. The general secret for gift-giving is pretty simple, I call it "pay attention you dumbass." Women drop hints all the time, both intentionally or not, about what they like. Valentine's is a little hard because gifts tend to be limited to a Valentine's theme. There are some things that should be avoided. Teddy bears are almost always a bad idea,* besides being cheesy it sends the message "I just picked this up from Walgreens." Roses can be tricky. Some women really like them, but for others the message they send is "I spent zero time thinking about what to get you for Valentine's." Tread carefully. Chocolate is almost always a winner. For a number of reasons, a few pieces of fancy chocolate (e.g. Godiva) is usually better than a huge bag of Hershey's Kisses. I like to make care packages full of red and pink stuff: licorice, cherry lip balm, cinnamon gum, lotion, some red M&M's, some red wine, a candle, and an assortment of other little things. Maybe throw in a copy of D.J. Mindy's latest CD, Feeling Frisky? or mix a CD yourself. Jewelry is usually a winner, although might be a little awkward in a new relationship unless your girlfriend is a ho. Lingerie and sex toys are somewhat of a danger zone - I would enlist the help

Here is a gratuitous photo of two boston terriers. Awwww...
*If your girlfriend would like a teddy bear for Valentine's this means either (1) you must break off the relationship immediately or (2) you are eight years old
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
It's a Bloggy Blog World

Anyway the Official Peter Unzipped Portmanteaux Contest is nearing the finish line. I suppose I should draw up some sort of deadline, so the cutoff for submissions will be Friday at midnight. Prizes will be handed out at some random date and as I said before they will be crappy. Well if you're a cutie you might win dinner and a movie with me, which depending on your point of view might fall anywhere along the crappy-to-awesome spectrum.
Due to the overwhelming success of the Official Peter Unzipped Portmanteaux Contest, I am working on some more contests. I've got a couple in the works, one of which is near completion but I have to work out some of the details. However, I'm sure it will elicit some great responses. Another contest I am thinking of involves people guessing how much fiber I can consume in a 24 hour period. Kind of like where you guess how many marbles are in a jar, but way cooler. The tentative title is "The Official Peter Unzipped How Much Fiber Can Peter Consume in a 24 Hour Period Contest."
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
My Dreams: Man Are They Stupid
Moving on. (Can you tell I've been watching The Colbert Report too much? I need to come up with my own catchphrases)

However, when I do remember my dreams they are almost never interesting. I never dream about sex (apparently I must get that out of the way during my waking hours) or flying or being naked in front of a whole bunch of people. No, my dreams are du-umb. For some reason most of them revolve around school. Oftentimes I have a paper due or a test coming up and I am unprepared for it. These dreams tend to be very mundane and realistic, so when I wake up it isn't always clear that it was a dream. Once back in high school I had a dream where I went to sign up for a chemistry lab and all the spots were full, so I didn't sign up in real life. According to some so-called "dream interpretation" websites I visited the most common interpretation of this is that I have unresolved feelings of inadequacy. Of course that's ridiculous, I came to terms with my inadequacy a long time ago.
Other times I dream about things like selling my condo and moving to another one and worrying about whether it was a good idea, or something equally boring. I think the weirdest dream I had was one in which the Muppets were being chased by a giant tomato back-and-forth across a stage. For some reason, Muppets did not make it into any of the dream dictionaries so I'm in the dark on that one. I think the worst dream I've ever had is one in which my mom is crossing a bunch of streets and ends up getting hit by a car. I don't even want to know what that means but needless to say I called my mom the next day to tell her I loved her.
So, what kind of dreams do you have? I hope they are better than my crappy, crappy ones.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Peter's Top 3 Most Beautiful Babes (Part I)
Moving on. The first choice for Most Beautiful Babe was pretty easy: Salma Hayek. In my unofficial lifetime poll, she appears to be the winner of biggest-celebrity-crush among both men and women. So as to not confuse Mindy, I have attempted to copy her basic format.
Salma Hayek
Age: 40
Height: 5'2"
Why I Like Her:
1. The front.
2. The back.
3. Seriously, have you not seen Salma Hayek? Beautiful face, skin, everything. Mmmmmm...
4. Great actress: long before Charlize Theron was getting her Oscar for Monster, Salma Hayek was sportin' the unibrow in Frida.
5. She's a smartypants, and has won awards for acting, directing, and producing.
6. She's also quite the activist, and not in the stupid way that most celebrities are. Most of her work has been around domestic violence and has testified before Congress.
7. Athletic: she has had a lot of action roles in movies and once had aspirations of being an Olympic competitor (my theory: boobs got in the way).
8. Independent minded, e.g. she has doesn't feel the need to get married in order to validate her existence.
1. A couple of her recent movie choices were a little suss, especially that Quentin Tarantino one.
2. Maybe a bit short, but I can overlook that.
BTW I need to give a shout out to Blurtin Burton, whose blog was the first I've seen use Slide.com (hopefully it won't cause excessive blog loading times). Apparently, Mindy's previous techno-dominance is fading.
Other Contenders So Far:

2. Alyssa Milano - Alyssa has come a long way Who's the Boss. Long hair, short hair, it doesn't seem to matter. Although she loses points for picking a series of poor acting roles, she more than makes up for it due to my impression that she is a very, very dirty girl.
3. Eva Mendes - I honestly don't know that much about Eva Mendes, other than I wouldn't mind having her sit on my face.
I'm sure I'll come up with others. Moving on to the most overrated, I found it much easier to compile this list. Now I wouldn't say that these women are particularly unattractive, I just don't get why anyone would go gaga over them.
Most Overrated "Babes"
Scarlett Johansson - How she keeps getting voted thing such as "Sexiest Woman Alive" I have no idea. Although I'll give her credit for not being rail thin, she doesn't have a great body, has a pretty plain face, and is (gasp) whiter than I am. Seriously if we had children they would be invisible.
Gwyneth Paltow - Sure she's "elegant" but is she hot? I submit that she is not. Next!
Uma Thurman - Too tall for my taste, and if her eyes were any farther apart she would have 360-degree vision. Sure she kicks some butt, but she was also married to Ethan Hawke so those two kind of cancel each other out. Maybe I would be more into Uma if I collected comic books (or "graphic novels" as Mindy insists on calling them) or thought Pulp Fiction was the best movie ever made.
Nicole Kidman - All apologies to Nicole's stunt/butt double Katie, but Nicole just doesn't do it for me.
Other nominees: Cameron Diaz, Charlize Theron, Eva Longoria
I'm sure I'll come up with more insights later. At least Mindy and I can agree on Rachel McAdams and Alyssa Milano.
Also - if you are one of the apparently millions who spend a lot of time photoshopping celebrity's heads to bad pictures of naked women, please stop. You are really creeping me out.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Official Peter Unzipped Portmanteaux Contest
A lot of people like to make up portmanteaux of their own. For example, I had to create the word fagnet** a couple years ago to describe myself - a straight man who attract homosexuals like a magnet. I'm sure I've come up with quite a few other zingers in my time.
So here are the contest rules:
1) Come up with your own portmanteaux and submit them to this post. I will try and come up with some good ones of my own, but I will disqualify myself from winning any cash or fabulous prizes.
2) Once the contest is over (basically whenever people stop submitting anything) I will review the entries and judge someone the winner.
3) The winner will receive some sort of prize to be named later, possibly one related to the winning entry, most certainly nothing very exciting. However you also win blogger bragging rights and the ability to believe you are far more cool than you actually are.
*Or mot valise ("suitcase word") if you are feeling particularly French
**For those sensitive readers who may take offense, keep in mind that half of my friends are homosexuals. Really, I'm like the Eminem for the gay community.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Another Promising Reality TV Show Goes Kerplooie

...I saw a new reality TV show on Lifetime that appeared to be made just for me: Gay, Straight, or Taken? The premise of the show is that a woman spends time with three guys and tries to guess which is which. So I'm thinking to myself: man this is good, I don't even have to try to make women think I'm gay. There's got to be money in this somewhere...
So I check out the show's website. As perhaps I should have expected, I am left out in the cold once again. It turns out that the way the show works is that the female contestant tries to pick out the straight, single guy from the three male contestants. If she picks the guy in a relationship or the gay guy, that guy wins the fabulous prize (a dream getaway). If she picks the straight guy the two of them go on the dream getaway. In other words: the straight, single guy needs to convince her that he is straight and single - no points for tricking her into thinking he's gay. Fiddlesticks!
Once again, my ability to foil even the most accurate gaydar proves useless.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
This Statement is 100% True
Women don't look at other women's flaws, they look at their perfections.
- Kim Lyons, co-personal trainer from NBC's The Biggest Loser
Does This Mean I Am Going to Hell?
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Thank God for Michael Chertoff
Current Events in My Life
Right now I am trying to get things back on track. I was happy to learn that Christy now works out at my gym a couple days a week. I'll have to introduce her to some of the people in Bruce's aerobics class (although I'm guessing she probably already knows enough bitter homosexuals than is necessary). P.S. Christy - Bruce is teaching a spinning class on Fridays and Sundays now.
I am trying to go through all of the CDs from Jason's music party. Clearly my musical taste is very different from most of the people that Jason hangs out with, and I apparently misjudged the demographics (who knows though, maybe Jason's mom will enjoy the Old Dirty Bastard and Juvenile tracks I threw on my CD). Of course, it's nobody's fault that I don't particularly like emo or folk music. Although I did find the fact that a half dozen people put Hallelujah on theirs CDs to be a little strange.* Oh well, it's good to get outside you musical comfort zone every once in a while. My real disappointment was that with all this folk music, it appears that not a single person managed to put The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald on their CD. I mean c'mon people, this is Gordon-fucking-Lightfoot we are talking about here! Sheez. I guess I'll just have to download it from iTunes. So far my favorite CD is Christy's. I've kind of been dancing around my place listening to it while I clean up and get ready for tomorrow.
Apparently since nobody around here cares about literature, I will have to fire off some highly confrontation posts now. I think my next post will be about how I do not find pregnant women to be sexy at all. That's sure to send Mindy and her anarcha-feminist cabal into a conniption fit.
*Don't get me wrong, it's a nice song