Well gang I suppose it's time for me to start to update the old blog again. Not too much has happened lately, with me coming down with strep throat a couple weeks ago which then transformed into some kind of cough which is finally just about done. That kind of put the kabosh on the whole holiday season, but we'll survive somehow. There are a number of updates for you (school, presidential race, Match, etc.) though but instead of making some kind of mega-post I will spread stuff out over a bunch of posts.

A good time was had by all, although with this crowd there must always be some drama. Christine was all sad because her fiance had to go back to grad school in Pittsburgh. Mindy broke off her Internet relationship with her Internet boyfriend because apparently he Internet sucked, or something like that. Meg is leaving NYC to go to grad school, and it turns out that Heather has been sick for about as long as I have. Personally, I had to swallow my pride when Corey (who was sitting right next to me) announced that he had a ton of great, single women friends but he couldn't find any straight men to set them up with. While Ben was offered a hook up with one of Corey's fabulous co-workers the plan for me was apparently to accompany them to the Saloon. That's a gay nightclub. Corey thought that a lot of straight women went there to meet straight men. I will let you come to your own conclusion about that, but I'll just say that I think I have a better chance at meeting eligible women at a Promise Keepers' rally than at the Saloon. Seriously. This is the story of my life.
In other strange news, it turns out that Meg is going to Tanzania to do volunteer work this summer on what appears to be the same program that someone I know is on right now. Combined with the lionologist that makes three people I have met recently who have, are, or will be spending significant time in Tanzania. The funniest part is that they were both told to buy baggy pants before they went on the trip, because apparently in Tanzania the sight of a white woman in hot pants is enough to cause major street rioting. Apparently this is due to some kind of butt fetish, which I can relate to (although I don't go around tipping cars over and lighting them on fire or anything).
1 comment:
It's not just a white lady's butt that is considered offensive. It's any old butt. they just would rather not acknowledge that butts even exist which MIGHT BE REALLY DIFFICULT FOR ME.
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