Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Official Peter Unzipped Portmanteaux Contest

Everyone around here seems to like contests and polls, so I have decided to start a new one. I had been thinking about it a while back, and have been spurred to action by the Clog Blog's recent post on wordplay. I think it started when Mindy was gushing about how much she loved the word celebutante. In case you're wondering, celebutante is a special kind of word called a portmanteau - a blending of two words to give a combined meaning.* In the case of celebutante, the word is a blend of celebrity and debutante.

A lot of people like to make up portmanteaux of their own. For example, I had to create the word fagnet** a couple years ago to describe myself - a straight man who attract homosexuals like a magnet. I'm sure I've come up with quite a few other zingers in my time.

So here are the contest rules:

1) Come up with your own portmanteaux and submit them to this post. I will try and come up with some good ones of my own, but I will disqualify myself from winning any cash or fabulous prizes.

2) Once the contest is over (basically whenever people stop submitting anything) I will review the entries and judge someone the winner.

3) The winner will receive some sort of prize to be named later, possibly one related to the winning entry, most certainly nothing very exciting. However you also win blogger bragging rights and the ability to believe you are far more cool than you actually are.

*Or mot valise ("suitcase word") if you are feeling particularly French
**For those sensitive readers who may take offense, keep in mind that half of my friends are homosexuals. Really, I'm like the Eminem for the gay community.


Anonymous said...

Jawsome: often referring to Mattel Street Sharks

Peter said...

Vaginasaurus Rex: a woman who goes around biting people's heads off; also, Mindy's new nickname.

m said...

I'm gonna kick your ass, Peter.

Peter said...

Is there a portmanteau in there, Mindy?

Peter said...

Other popular portmanteaux:

Fugly: F'ing ugly. For more fug terminology please see:

Crumbelievable: Something so crumbly, it's unbelievable.

Fergilicious: The state of being deliciously Fergie-esque.

Katie said...

Scute: Super cute!

Peter said...

Snausages: a combination of snack and sausages, a delicious treat for your dog. Endorsed by Snocrates, official spokesdog.

Katie said...

Shlake: Shitty lake
Prumps: Pretty pumps (as in shoes)
-"Scute" is often used to
describe them
Blish: The combination of bliss with the feeling of "ish." Not commonly used.

Katie said...

Peter...this is your most fablogulous ever!

Ranty said...



Craptop! (as in my laptop)

Peter said...

Mantourage - an entourage of men

Murse - a male nurse

Jason - unfortunately, you are not missing out of much. Most of them are either taken, old, creepy, bitter, stuck-up, just plain crazy, or some combination thereof.

Mindy - Are you ever going to submit your brilliant entries?

Peter said...

Celebrity names:


Katie said...

And the winner is....

"Scute" (round of applause)

Now where's my money?!?!

m said...

Blogiversary: the anniversary of one's blog.

Blognemesis: just what it sounds like - someone who is your nemesis on a blog.

More coming.

Peter said...

Chinnifer Maniston: a nickname given to Jennifer Aniston by people who think she's a little manly

Blogtastrophe: a blog-related catastrophe

Katie - I'm afraid that the word "scute" has already been taken out of the running. Scute is an actual word, refering to a bony plate or scale like a turtle shell or the belly of a snake - which needless to say most people would not take as a compliment. However I admire your brazenness. You just might get invited to our next blogger party.

Mindy - keep 'em coming, only a couple days left. P.S. Do not bend any of the corners of the pages in my Financial Statements textbook. For some reason that really, really bothers me.

Peter said...

Prelevant - apparently something that is both relevant and prevalent, a term actually used by a former boss during a meeting

m said...

Stalkertunities: Opportunities for stalking.

I wasn't going to bend the corners of your book pages, but now I think I will...unless I win this contest! Think about it.

m said...

Eva Longwhoria: Fun way to call Eva Longoria a whore.

christine said...


Word in a sentence: I tell you, that boy has one Fantass!

Definition: One fantastic behind...

m said...

WHO WINS?? WHO WINS?? (as if I even need to ask!)

m said...

LIBIDON'T: The lack of a libido. "He tried to make out with me, but my libidon't kicked in."

jsmer said...

Is this thread still active?

In light of the current politicking....

Camplaining: when politicians do more griping than actual useless blathering.