Monday, March 26, 2007

If I Had A Million Dollars

If I had a million dollars, one think I might do with it is start a kangaroo farm. Of course, what I would really do is sock most of it away for retirement and other future expenses, change careers, and travel all over the world but who the hell wants to read that?

Anyway back to the kangaroo farm. I hatched this idea while I was in Australia as an exchange student. If you've never met a kangaroo in person, they are cute and adorable, not that far from dogs although not as domesticated. I guess I'm thinking more of the smaller wallabies, since you stand a chance of getting your ass pummelled by the larger red or grey kangaroos (if you don't believe me check out the video below). Wallabies in national parks are used to people and will come right up to you, no doubt because a large number of well meaning but stupid people hand feed them all the time. Anyway I am attaching a picture of me holding a kangaroo at one of the farms we visited, and another picture of a mother wallaby and her joey that I took while camping in Tasmania.

Anyway, if you know anyone who loves kangaroos and has an abundance of cash, hook me up.

Also, please feel free to submit any notions about what you would do with a million dollars.

1 comment:

m said...

Omigod, I love it when the kangaroo starts beating the crap out of that big yellow costumed guy. Holy shit.


Seriously, I have a new appreciation of kangaroos.