Monday, March 12, 2007 The Saga Continues

Alright, we're back on the horse again. Before we get back to my profile, here are some observations on Match:

First off, what the hell does MindFindBind mean? I get the Find and the Bind part well enough, but Mind? I had to do some investigation here. Apparently the "Mind" part of this means "being ready for a real relationship." Hmm, shaky. I think the marketing department at needs some help. I came up with a program I call BaitDateMate, which I think might more accurately reflect what goes on on Match.

Also, what is up with all of the typos? Seriously people you need to edit your shit.

Apparently women are not into the long hair. A random sampling of ten or so profiles resulted in nine "turn offs" and zero "turn ons."

Alright, back to the matter at hand. I am skipping over the INTERESTS section for now because that involves short answers.


How often do you exercise? Exercise 5 or more times per week
At least that's the plan. The plan does not always work out, but even in periods of laziness I walk a lot though. That and clenching my butt cheeks while I'm working at my desk.

Which best describes your daily diet? Keep it healthy
There was no option for "eat healthy most of the time but occasionally eat an entire bag of Chex Mix in one sitting."

Do you smoke? No Way
Smoking is one of the few absolute rules. No. no, no, no, no. It is gross and often implies a weakness in character.

Are you a 9-to-5er? Your own boss? What kind of job do you have? Financial Services
For some reason "gettin' money" was not an option.

Tell us more (250) --
The current plan is to leave this blank. My job is okay but nothing to get excited about. There is a reason I went back to grad school.

Current annual income? $50,001 to $75,000
What is the protocol here? A lot of people seem to leave this blank.

Do you live alone? Live alone
Alone. So alone...

Do you have any kids? None
Not that I know of, anyway.

Do you want children? Not sure

Let's talk pets
I have: --
I like but don't have: Dogs
No opinion: (Everything else)
Do I have to explain this to you people? Obviously I love dogs, especially pugs and boston terriers as you know. I don't even mind if you dress them up in outfits (and yes, someone actually wrote that).

P.S. You might not see a lot of pictures on my posts for a while, either Blogger is having problems or my newly installed Norton Protection Center does not play well with Blogger. So far I'm batting one out of three.


m said...

Clenching your butt cheeks? Nice.

I also think they should let you expand on the "diet" question. Because I always felt misleading putting "keep it healthy" because there are many, many times that I do not, in fact, "keep it healthy". But then putting "meat and potatoes" seemed to imply that I was a "hearty woman", which is not what I was going for either. Oh Match, when will you ever learn?

What username did you decide to go with?

m said...

Did you know that "saga" is one of only two English words that are derived from the Icelandic language?

Can you guess the other?

Peter said...

I haven't decided on a username. That may actually end up being the final piece of the puzzle.
