There have been a lot of buzz lately about the general nastiness that seems to be taking over the
blogosphere. The anonymity of the Internet seems to make a lot of people feel like that have the license to spew hate and bile all over the place. I suppose there is some upside to this - it reminds us that beyond the PC face of America there is still a lot of hate out there and we still need to deal with it. The most
prominent headlines lately have involved online attacks and threat against women
bloggers, ranging from offensive Internet trolls, to slander, to threats of violence and rape. Probably the best known case involves
Kathy Sierra, a top one hundred blogger who shut down her blog after receiving threatening posts.

On a somewhat lighter note, many of our blogs around here have received there share of inane trolling. Mindy, for example, have received some lovely comments such as these from
Captain Diaperhead-Terror-Watch-Listed-Iranians. In honor of the the people who
heroically put up with these morons, I am kicking off the
Official Peter Unzipped Worst Comment Written On Your Blog Contest.
The rules are pretty simple. The contest will run for about two weeks or whenever I decide to end it. Simple post a comment with the particular comment(s) and provide a link to your blog post. Once the contest is over I will declare a winner, who will
receive fabulous cash and prizes* and the
First Annual Don Imus Memorial Nappy Headed Hoes Award. Now, I know Mindy has a couple other zingers buried on her blog so you better get going!
*Some leftover Danish and Hungarian coins
I have gotten some really insane posts on my youtube page especially when I talk about Israel. The worst one was when some called me "a stupid kyke slut." i tried to find it but to no avail. I might have deleted it.
I think you already covered mine, Pete.
Well I wish I could wow you with one, but the fact that anyone posts on my blog at all is something of a tiny miracle in itself (which is yet another thing that makes me effortlessly average). That being said, the worst I've ever had posted on my blog was someone who remarked "un.fucking.believable. you are a real piece of work."
Do I get any kind of points for that being my wife? I mean, clearly you can feel the love there, right?
Worst comment: from "Anon" of course:
I think you're single because you have bad hair. Honestly, it's bad.
Pretty tame really, it was in response to this post:
Mindy, did you already forget about Mr. All Women Are Whores and Sluts?
Oh, yes I did. I thought that if the comment was actually a statement of fact I shouldn't count it. All women are whores/sluts, right?
Maybe just all the ones I know. Hm.
Great pic for this post!
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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