This is a blog about me. Specifically, my adventures here in the Twin Cities and my observations on life. There are also grand plans for lots of fun links, interesting information, the occassional nugget of wisdom, and lots of other stuff.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
What Not To Wear: Pete Edition (Part V)
I thought I had covered most of the fashion disasters around here, but I was wrong. Some people have still not gotten the message.
First off, memo to Roger Federer, re: the all-black look is not in. Even for you. Even the All Blacks from New Zealand barely get a pass on this one. This look was not cool even in the mid-90's when it was in vogue. I don't care if you're the best tennis player of all time this fashion statement is definately out of bounds.
Secondly, anyone wearing a big fluffy hat is hearby declared in fashion default. That means you Mystery. That means you Tommy Lee. That means you Pamela Anderson. Consider yourselves warned.
Another troubling fashion trend I have noticed in both celebrities and common folk is the short tie look. I've been looking for a photo in vain but I was watching football on ESPN this weekend and saw Emmitt Smith wearing a short dress tie that I swear ended at least four inches above his belt buckle. On purpose. Now as many of you know I have complained previously about larger people whose ties are too short because they refuse to buy extra long ties. But to do this on purpose is just unforgivable. I've also seen several people try and pull this off here in Minneapolis. If you see any of these people, please help them. And if you see Emmitt, please tell him to stop getting fashion advice from Michael Irvin and Steve Smith.
Last but not least, I was watching the news the other day and Robert Draper, author of Dead Certain - the new biography of George Bush, was having an interview with my personal hero Wolf Blitzer. Mr. Draper is a correspondent for GQ, who is from Texas and became acquinted with the Bush family while working at Texas Monthly. Anyway this file photo on the left doesn't quite do his hair justice so I attached the following video of Draper doing an interview with Bill Maher which will give you a better picture of the... amazingness of his hair. Beyond wondering how someone who works for GQ would be allowed to have this haircut, I knew Draper had ripped this hairstyle off from somebody. It took me a little while, but then it came to me. Robert Draper stole his hair style from Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg, Gary Oldman's character from The Fifth Element. My advice to Mr. Draper - do not bogart the hairstyle of a fictional super-villian from the future.
I'm pretty sure the New Zealand All-Blacks get a pass on everything. Why? Because they are sexy soccer players with adorable accents, that's why.
Um, Mindy the All Blacks are a RUGBY team.
Whatever. Do they still have sexy accents? Yes, they do.
Roger Federer is just trying to be like his buddy and fellow Nike superstar Tiger Woods, who pulls off the all black look pretty well.
I think it's all black with shorts that really bombs here. The shiny tuxedo stripes don't help either.
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